Friday, September 7, 2012

2012.09.07 - updates!

I'm backkk! And I'm on YouTube!! I've recently been inspired to start blogging again. I think I'll have a lot more time now that I'm out of high school; it was senior exams that made me stop blogging months ago. I've been carrying my camera with me everywhere and trying to snap photos of myself and my surroundings on a daily basis. 

I'm starting my first year of college at the University of Washington in a couple weeks, so I decided that through this big transition, I wanted to keep better records of my experiences. I've always been one of those people that loves keeping a journal and taking pictures to remember everything. I thought the easiest way for me to do this would be to start a personal blog, as well! I had been wanting to for a while, and finally set aside a bit of time to get it up and running. Check it out here if you're interested. It only has a few posts at this time, but I will be updating it pretty often, so come back soon to see more! 

I'm very excited to be back and will be posting new outfits and fashion tips soon, so stay tuned for those. For the time being, check out my first YouTube video! It's a little shaky, but hopefully I'll get the hang of filming myself soon. I probably won't update my YouTube channel as often as I do my personal blog (or this one), but I will attempt to upload videos regularly. 

Thanks for sticking with me through my hiatus, and come back soon to see more! 
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