Monday, February 20, 2012

2012.02.06 - professional & valentine's day nails

black grey tiered dress navy tights heeled oxfords outfit

black heeled oxfords navy tights

navy jacket - Macy's
black&grey tiered dress - Wet Seal
red camisole - Costco!
white lace camisole - American Eagle
navy tights - mom's closet
black heeled oxfords - consignment store

This outfit is a bit dressier than I usually look because I had a presentation. I'm not one of those people that thinks brown and black or blue and black can't go together. I find that if it looks like you meant to put those colors together, it will look fine. I chose to wear navy and blue this day simply because I wanted to wear this jacket. It hadn't been worn in quite some time and it was just about the level of dressiness that I wanted. To make it look intentional, I wore close to equal parts navy and black. Because my outfit was so dark, I added a small pop of color with my red camisole. It wasn't super noticeable, but made I felt better knowing that I wasn't blue and black from head to toe. As a side note, I swear this dress doesn't look as short in real life as it does in these pictures! It could be because of the camera angle...

Basically I used my presentation as an excuse to wear these heels. It's a little strange to me when girls wear heels to high school without a good reason. I have yet to see a good reason for a girl to wear legitimate pumps to school, but booties and others shoes with a higher vamp (the part on top of the foot) are much better. Really petite girls also seem to be able to pull off wearing heels sometimes because they don't tower over everyone. Now I'm not that tall at a little over 5'5", but with heels I can be about 5'9". 

And I know it's a little late, but these are the nails that I had for Valentine's Day. They were pretty simple and I got the idea from those cute, couple pillows. I don't know if there is a pillow set with this particular design, but I thought it would be quick and easy. It's a boy throwing a paper airplane to a girl. I was going to make the thumb nail a piece of binder paper with the blue lines, but I didn't have the right blue. 

valentine's day nail art design boy girl heart paper airplane love cute i love you

It took me three coats of white polish to get it as opaque as I wanted, which made me a bit impatient for the remainder of my painting. It's pretty evident because you can probably see a number of smudges that I was too lazy to fix. I'm still pretty happy with how it turned out though!

Hope you all are having a good day and stop by soon for a quick thrift haul!


  1. I like that outfit on you, so chic and classy.

  2. Your nails are adorable. The design reminds me of the cutesy print on the double pillows for couples that are sold in asian gift stores.


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